Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Volunteer Director Peter Profant speaks to his experience with the Washo to restore and rebuild the ancient architecture at the lake!

The Tahoe Foundation volunteer Directors speak about the artwork and historic preservation they are involved in at the Lake with Robert Schimmel on KTHO The Lake Tahoe Art Scene!

This interview features Peter Profant and the work he did with the Washo People to rebuild the
ancient architectural bark houses at the Tallac Site Lake Tahoe.


Friday, October 4, 2013

NICK's Interns: The TAHOE Foundation is Learning about Internships from the Mattole Restoration Council

This Summer folks from The Tahoe Foundation experienced Nick's Intern's a Native Grass and Watershed Restoration Program on the Coast of California.  A regular volunteer at The Tahoe Foundation and junior from Incline High School, wanted to learn about counting fish, watershed restoration and the collection of Native Grass seed in California in order to bring similar programs to other areas including Lake Tahoe. The internships are awarded to High School Students, thanks to the Bureau of Land Management, The Mattole Restoration Council,  and philanthropists from Humboldt County California who all work together to make this program happen! Local to Humboldt County, were Interns Norberto Olavarria a recent graduate from South Fork High and Kate Fatseas presently enrolled in Petrolia High School pictured below. The reports you see featured were authored by the interns.

We hope to continue this effort by facilitating fundraising efforts and an exhibition at the County and state Fairs in 2014 with the Future Farmers of America-Ferndale Chapter, Ferndale High School,  and folks from the Mattole Restoration Council program, Nick's Interns.The interns with the help of their Intern Leader Hugh McGee and others at the MRC hope to be able to cultivate the native grass seed into plugs at the Ferndale High School Green House which will then be planted in the Salt River Restoration effort- an important heritage corridor in the Humboldt County region.

The Tahoe Foundation would like to thank all of those who are helping us learn about this,  including the Mattole Restoration Council, Nick's Interns Hugh McGee, Unity Peterson, Monica Scholey,  The Future Farmers of America Ferndale Chapter, Ferndale High School Agricultural Department's teacher Mr. Smith, DCI for building the greenhouse at Ferndale High School and Cream City Investments.

Kate Fatseas collecting Native Grass Seed 

Add caption
Tahoe Foundation Volunteer and Nick's Intern, Z. M. Profant working with Dylan, from the 
California Conservation Corps !
Zosine, Kate,  & Norberto Nick's Petrolia Interns 2013!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Preservation As A Process

The Process of Preservation begins with Five steps:

1-   Establish Criteria & Standards

2-   Survey

3-   Evaluation

4-   Register

5-   Protect

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Peter Profant Comments on the Importance of the role of Scientific Illustration in the KTHO Interview

Interview on our website www.tahoefound.com, scroll down to find itToday on the KTHO interview with Robert Schimmel Peter Profant commented on the role of scientific illustration as relates to the life cycles of animals and plants and its superiority to the photograph.

American Bungalow Issue No. 73 just Arrived US Post sent from Bob Bailey PhD USFS Author Extraordinaire...

Spring 2012 American Bunglaow published Eco-Regions Pioneer Robert Bailey PhD of the US Forest Service... He was the man behind the Bailey Assessment System which informed the I P E S Score as evolved out of the USDA Forest Service Public Law 96-586 US Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit under I- The Purpose and Need for the Action....where:

          A New System for identifying the tolerance of small parcels of land for building homes
          has been created. This was the result of concerns for the accuracy of the "Land Capability
          Classification for the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada, A Guide For Planning",
          developed by Dr. Robert Bailey in 1974 (Bailey Report).  As one of the issues tackled
          to resolve a lawsuit emanating from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's Regional Plan for
          The Lake Tahoe Basin, the Individual Evaluating System (IPES) was conceived..

Approved by Robert Harris Forest Supervisor March 13, 1989...

This was a landmark event meant to curbthe idea that a large architectural residential footprint in the Basin.. would ever be allowed...

We will comment on this in our first issue of Tahoe Found™- A Print Journal scheduled to come out in the fall of this year..where we will begin to celebrate and acknowledge the history and culture of the Tahoe Residential Vernacular being underscored by structures which are humble- small....attempt to disappear...


Tune in to KTHO Today at 5:00PM Lake Tahoe Art Scene's Robert Schimmel is Interviewing members of the Board!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

KTHO will Feature an Interview with The Tahoe Foundation

KTHO Art Scene  hosted by Robert Schimmel will feature an interview with Directors of the Tahoe Foundation this month.. We will post the day and time of broadcast soon! 

Listen Live to KTHO...

Monday, May 27, 2013

In Memory of those whose lives have passed and served us at The Tahoe Foundation: Chris Stone, & Greg Hultgren: Through artistic integrity these men were Soldiers of Peace & Civil Justice...

It is not only those in uniforms which fight for peace, civil rights and freedom.. especially these days...In The Life of The Tahoe Foundation we remember on this memorial day, and his name day-birthday, Christopher Stone.

In Memory of  Co-Founder & Volunteer:
Christopher Stone
b. 1970-d. 2013

Chris was born on May 27, 1970 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. When he was about four years old, his family  moved to Moraga, Ca. He graduated form Miramonte High School in Moraga and then went on to get his BS in Computer Sciences from the University of Southern California. His love of computers started at about age 12-13 just soon after the PC was introduced.
Volunteer, Contributor and Co-Founder, Chris Stone, died in January 2013, in his home in Reno.
This month Chris would have been 43 years old.

For more information about Chris, and his dedication  to The Tahoe Foundation  please see a message from the Executive Director below.. ..

Enough cannot be said to honor Chris's dignity, majesty, gentle spirit and gracious heart. His efforts and dedication established The Tahoe Foundation's first web presence. His time and in-kind volunteer efforts established generosity of spirit and focus of mind.  He authored all of our original code for the first iteration of The Indigenous and local pedestrian Wayfinder concepts. He spent over a thousand hours of his time translating scanned artwork and images into a myriad of Linux and other code to fortify  secured coding platforms and architectures as the means to protect our IP, created by volunteers. He was our eyes and ears of our web presence and guarded our volunteer work efforts by building a brick by brick stalwart security system into each movement of our on-line presence. 

Most importantly, Chris was Passionate about the Preservation of the Lake and its tributary watershed ecosystems.  His pride to be a citizen and participant attempting in his own way to steward its histories as the means of protecting its unmatched energy and beauty was an example to us all.

He was proud to be a Nevadan.

He will be missed more than words can say.

On behalf of everyone at The Tahoe Foundation, we miss and will love you always, Christopher, and now hope you are acting as our Guardian Angel..

With deep sadness and heartfelt appreciation, we  are so grateful we were able to know you.

We will miss your barefeet, playing Atari with you, and most of all, your passion to work together to preserve the heritage of our country, and the intent of its founders to uphold and protect an individual's liberty.   You walked the walk founded in these  ideals celebrating the  mutual respect for all of humanity and your willingness to nurture all the plants and animals to support the longevity necessary for the Earth's mutual health and humanity's hope and happiness.

The Executive Director
Alexandra Profant

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sagebrush Vernacular- A glimpse of the Knowledge Center at UNR



It is Nevada Historic Preservation Month! Check out Sagebrush Vernacular: The Architecture of Rural Nevada

Sagebrush Vernacular: Architecture of Rural Nevada

A good start Nevada;  however I would like to see more surveys on film, completed by our volunteers and funded by our state- especially since so much of the the historic material in film- Silver!  came from our ground!

I look forward to empowering students at The Tahoe Foundation with cameras and FILM  to do a true survey of Tahoe's historic assets to help folks define a Tahoe Vernacular ...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Tahoe Minnow A Tahoe Foundation Artist Contribution- All Rights Reserved
This is one artist's iteration of one of Tahoe's native fishes.. it has begun a dialogue with KTHO's Robert Schimmel with the idea of hosting a show on Tahoe's famous cut throat trout.. We will put a call out for submissions of artwork inspired or done on behal this Nevada native species...

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Tahoe Foundation Board of DIrector's Meeting

The Tahoe Foundation had a Board of Directors Meeting on Saturday May 4, 2013 at the Washoe County Library Community Room- Incline Village NV 89451 The meeting commenced at 11:30 and ended at 2:00 PM.

Those in Attendance:

Carl Cross, Alexandra Profant, Mike Harper, FAICP, Lawrence Swick, Michael Stone, the recording secretary, Z.M. Profant and Vicky Harper.

A quorum was not established.

Topics of Discussion included:

The late Chris Stone, and his contributions to the organization.

Tahoe Found™a journal to be published on behalf of surveys and interpretation The foundation has completed. It will be the venue  to publish the offerings of others who have content and research they would like to get out to the academic communities and general public in regards to the histories of the lake.

The Foundation  will be pursuing partnerships with education interests to conduct  a variety of surveys to be completed by year's end.

The Board will meet again in six- eight weeks.

The Complete Meeting Minutes may be emailed to you upon request.  Please forward requests to illustrator@tahoefound.com. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Archiving Histories

The topic of archiving histories is finally getting a look.  This month many calls for scholarly papers in the academic fields of Historic Preservation, Museum Management, and Conservation Architecture are going out for submissions.   It is time fine minds begin to examine the beginnings of how to  define the scope reach and value of this enormous subject..as relates to the recent advent of technology and its relativity, relevance,  or irrelevance to history.

Folks who have been involved in this academic arena are the  appropriate professionals to be addressing these concerns as the aforementioned fields' practitioners  are the ones who embraced and helped build this virtual world as the means to help manage the stacks of our paper-laid monster...and much of this digital media began with the advent of " e-learning" , which started out as a pedagogical research tool in the realm of architectural research.   The time consuming process  locating details amongst massive amounts of information in the form of architectural plans and large format photos, warranted the idea, which has transformed itself to another notion  entirely replacing the original   "e-learning" which has made its way from private institutional libraries to secondary schools where it is now perceived and often misunderstood as a classroom broadcasting tool for the computer.. My limited experience with parents' understanding of  this new virtual realm is more to the idea of interactive television with much better content to help their kids learn, versus a new world digital realm which commands new dictionaries necessary to explain all of the now decade old acronyms and vocabularies for a true understanding of where this realm goes and how far its reach is...  so parents and educators alike may realize that research analytics and the collection of data and management of meta data is at the center of it all..

So, the discussion will eventually meander to.....where does that leave anyone's privacy-individual authority as it relates to histories, personal or otherwise?  Beginning with our children's? Is there nothing sacred about a child's personal interactions in a classroom? Do people understand where the kernel of this idea began--its life,  in the hands of archivists and librarians intended to help researchers manage books and manuscripts now are in secondary schools via "tablets"?  Where are there laws assuring us the broadcast is only coming into the classroom versus collecting information from our children to help manage metadata and data and the interactivity more productively, according to someone we never see or know?  Were does the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act come into play? This is only one area of concern where histories being archived may well be our children and how they are interacting with each other and the computer on their desk?  Is that what we consider history?And if the answer is yes, then ask yourself another question.. did you know that story would be recorded then if you did, have you ever been able to access it?

Data and Meta Data aside, where are the Authentic paper bound histories...? Editorial Staff and decisions for factual stories... ? How quickly are we allowing them to disappear? How does this bifurcation of tried and true processes create more accountability to truths with infinite added layers, and manipulated or disappearing timelines?

Its interesting, that right when Western America is gaining a footing as an historic world center.. suddenly the way we record history changes- and all in the span of ten years...

How will that help us in the larger scheme of things?

Why aren't we asking these questions...Now we have so many satellite images yet how many folks survey what we can see with the naked eye with film, drawings, tape, print?

How does social media and e-learning truly serve us? or is it a slow-mo   slap in the face where the pain is yet to be felt, through gradually  eliminating our place in REAL history BOOKS.- our deeds from county records, our children from real picture books, where no electricity is required to hold or see the images.. There are still True stories and images worthwhile and needing to be recorded with ink or other media on an actual page or film.. and while we blog away.....myself included,  we relinquish security and monies to those who have not put down their film-cameras and scaled-drawings....recorded paper notes and deeds with wet signatures, who knows if all of  this new media will be sustainable, and reliable? Who knows if it will merely  be a bright white flash in the pan?

History and her stories are valuable and worth archiving-with hand on paper, whatever true narratives they describe and tell.

When was the last time you wrote  a letter and mailed it to your congressman or congresswoman? your friend, your family? wrote on a ballot? Or looked at a printed calendar or film photos of an event, person, landscape or building worth remembering as a way to archive the beauty of truth?
Make your answer----


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Reaching Out

Today we connected with some folks who are on the board of the National Land Trust.
Very interesting land use and planning discussions have begun in regards to the intersections between environmental restoration and historic preservation.. stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

White Papers

Today The Tahoe Foundation Website - Tahoe Found™ added a new tab: White Papers.

In 2007, Eric Juillerat and Alexandra Profant took the time to write down and formalize their idea which came before any "app" and pioneered and defined the idea of "uploading" data and interfacing with it in a mobile context...for a variety of purposes and applications.

It was called SSRAM- Service Sustainability Retention of Local Economies and Metrics.

Next came The Tahoe Wayfinder.™ This  implemented those ideas into an interactive "app" interface with touchscreen icons describing forms of content to link to... in a transit and interpretation context.. This was way back in 2008 and the wayfinding "app" (see the link on TahoeFound™ our website under the Tab" "In the News") where the Sierra Sun published an article describing this pioneering approach to navigation.. the article describes Juillerat's and Profant's idea manifest, proposed and read into record from the SSRAM White paper, to the Tahoe Transportation District in 2008.  It was a first way to  begin to use data and specific places as a virtual way to connect to a network to include navigating and interpretation....  Now, as folks take this for granted, as there are thousands of "apps" it is important to realize where the kernels of these ideas have come from, and more importantly as organizations such as TED award folks to develop these innovations that the folks out west are not forgotten or outfoxed by eastern competitors whose ideas likely came from interacting with the visiting folks from their westerly neighboring states and inspired by needed solutions for rural resort arenas where bussing needs are what need to be embraced since the rail out east has taken precedent for funding, preservation, interpretation,  and maintenance.. even though that rail would not have been built if not for the fortunes mined out of the ground and watersheds in California, and Nevada...