Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thank you Channel 3 News for inspiring us to approach Piersons Building Center to solicit donations of rain gear for homeless veterans!

Today a reporter from News Channel 3 approached one of the Directors of The TAHOE Foundation
at Piersons Building Center in California...He asked what the director was shopping for, to prepare for the up and coming storm. This prompted a response that there was not much concern for serious flooding due to the small amount of snow pack.. This fact was derived as a result of  the history talks hosted by Piersons and often delivered by Jerry Rohde regarding the 1964 flood of the Eel River, and when asked what the Directors needed, they immediately thought of those which might need
protection from the rains, regardless of the pending danger or damage of this storm..

Our Director immediately went to find rain suits asked who to talk to in order to have some suits donated and in the course of ten minutes Pierson's staff  immediately responded with the donation of four all weather gear suits to be handed out to veterans who are on the streets, in order to stay dry.

Our vets are the primary resource to archive histories outlining the education for our populace to be informed about our public persona as a country worldwide.


Thank you Piersons for the donation and your wonderful contributions to the local history education through the history talks you sponsor.  

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Tahoe Foundation will begin doing business as Tahoe Found™...

The Tahoe Foundation had its Board of Directors Meeting at The Historic Mackay Mansion in Virginia City in November. It was lovely.  Much was discussed and there was recent suggestion to begin doing business as Tahoe Found™... to pursue our architecture conservation and preservation planning education goals and historic archives objectives which will be realized through atleast one iteration as seen below: Tahoe Found™ a Print Journal.. Once we hire educators and secure a space
then we will go on to begin a curriculum and finally deliver the long awaited Bus Shelter Heritage Corridor Interactive Museums...If you would like to pitch in and make a donation- please go to our link below- "Give the Gift....") and download the member card/donation card fill it in and send it to us, to endorse our goals.

 Give the Gift of History by making a Membership Donation today!

Keep checking the website, as we will publish the Meeting Minutes soon....

Also look back in a couple of days for an update regarding Andy Dorner, a local artist and archivist who builds accurate wooden scale models of maritime objects- mostly ships! He recently recovered from some health issues and is living and working in his studio again in Artist's Alley in Ferndale..

San Francisco Maritime Museum will feature an article on him soon.. (unless we beat them to it!)
We are so happy to have you back in the Victorian Village of Ferndale Andy...