Wednesday, January 9, 2013

White Papers

Today The Tahoe Foundation Website - Tahoe Found™ added a new tab: White Papers.

In 2007, Eric Juillerat and Alexandra Profant took the time to write down and formalize their idea which came before any "app" and pioneered and defined the idea of "uploading" data and interfacing with it in a mobile context...for a variety of purposes and applications.

It was called SSRAM- Service Sustainability Retention of Local Economies and Metrics.

Next came The Tahoe Wayfinder.™ This  implemented those ideas into an interactive "app" interface with touchscreen icons describing forms of content to link to... in a transit and interpretation context.. This was way back in 2008 and the wayfinding "app" (see the link on TahoeFound™ our website under the Tab" "In the News") where the Sierra Sun published an article describing this pioneering approach to navigation.. the article describes Juillerat's and Profant's idea manifest, proposed and read into record from the SSRAM White paper, to the Tahoe Transportation District in 2008.  It was a first way to  begin to use data and specific places as a virtual way to connect to a network to include navigating and interpretation....  Now, as folks take this for granted, as there are thousands of "apps" it is important to realize where the kernels of these ideas have come from, and more importantly as organizations such as TED award folks to develop these innovations that the folks out west are not forgotten or outfoxed by eastern competitors whose ideas likely came from interacting with the visiting folks from their westerly neighboring states and inspired by needed solutions for rural resort arenas where bussing needs are what need to be embraced since the rail out east has taken precedent for funding, preservation, interpretation,  and maintenance.. even though that rail would not have been built if not for the fortunes mined out of the ground and watersheds in California, and Nevada...

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